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Sunday, November 9, 2014

seminar on bioaccumulation and xenobiotics by chinedu j.e


                                                 CHAPTER ONE
Bioaccumulation refers to the accumulation of substances, such as pesticides, or other organic chemicals in an organism. Bioaccumulation occurs when an organism absorbs a toxic substance at a rate greater than that at which the substance is lost. Thus, the longer the biological half-life of the substance the greater the risk of chronic poisoning, even if environmental levels of the toxin are not very high. Bioaccumulation, for example in fish, can be predicted by models. Hypotheses for molecular size cutoff criteria for use as bioaccumulation potential indicators are not supported by data. Biotransformation can strongly modify bioaccumulation of chemicals in an organism.
A xenobiotic is a foreign chemical substance found within an organism that is not normally naturally produced by or expected to be present within that organism. It can also cover substances which are present in much higher concentrations than are usual. Specifically, drugs such as antibiotics are xenobiotics in humans because the human body does not produce them itself, nor are they part of a normal diet.

Bioconcentration is a related but more specific term, referring to uptake and accumulation of a substance from water alone. By contrast, bioaccumulation refers to uptake from all sources combined (e.g. water, food, air, etc.)
Bioaccumulation is the accumulation of contaminants by species in concentrations that are orders of magnitude higher than in the surrounding environment. .Biodegradation, Biotransformation, and Co-metabolism
More than ten million organic compounds are generated by biosynthetic pathways in animals, plants, and microorganisms, by other natural processes, and by industrial synthesis. Whilst the organic structures found in nature are created by many organisms and processes, microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) perform most of the biodegradation of both natural products and industrial chemicals. Collectively, microorganisms play a key role in the biogeochemical cycles of the Earth.
The substances transformed or degraded by microorganisms are used as a source of energy, carbon, nitrogen, or other nutrient, or as final electron acceptor of a respiratory process [see also - Cell thermodynamics and energy metabolism]. 'Biodegradation' involves the breakdown of organic compounds, usually by microorganisms, into biomass and less complex compounds, and ultimately to water, carbon dioxide, and the oxides or mineral salts of other elements present. The complete breakdown of an organic compound into inorganic components is termed 'mineralization', but
'(ultimate/complete) biodegradation' and '(complete) mineralization' are often used interchangeably, although 'biodegradation' involves the formation of biomass as well as inorganic compounds. Of course, biomass finally will also undergo mineralization.

Degradation of an organic compound to a less complex organic compound is referred to as 'incomplete (partial) biodegradation'.

'Biotransformation' is the metabolic modification of the molecular structure of a compound, resulting in the loss or alteration of some characteristic properties of the original compound, with no (or only minor) loss of molecular complexity.
Biotransformation may effect the solubility, mobility in the environment, or toxicity of the organic compound.
A microbial population growing on one compound may fortuitously transform a contaminating chemical that cannot be used as carbon and energy source, a process referred to as 'co-metabolism'. The phenomenon has also been called 'co-oxidation' and 'gratuitous' or 'fortuitous' metabolism. Usually, the primary substrate induces production of (an) enzyme(s) that fortuitously alter(s) the molecular structure of another compound.
The organisms do not benefit from the co-metabolic process. Co-metabolic transformation may result in a minor modification of the molecule, or it may lead to incomplete or even complete degradation. The products of partial biodegradation, or biotransformation, or co-metabolic conversion of a xenobiotic may be less harmful as the original compound, or they may be as hazardous or even more hazardous as the original compound. For example, tetrachloroethene and trichloroethene can be microbially reduced to vinyl chloride, a known carcinogen, in anoxic habitats. In natural environments, the products of bioconversion processes may be further transformed or degraded by other microorganisms, maybe eventually leading to complete degradation by the microbial consortium. Co-metabolic processes, and biodegradation by microbial consortia are thought to be of enormous ecological importance. However, persistent xenobiotics and metabolic dead-end products will accumulate in the environment, become part of the soil humus, or enter the food chain leading to biomagnification.
What are Xenobiotics?
Xenobiotics (greek xenos= strange, foreign, foreigner) are chemically synthesized compounds that do not occur in nature and thus are 'foreign to the biosphere'. They have 'unnatural' structural features to which microorganisms have not been exposed to during evolution. Xenobiotics may resist biodegradation, or they undergo incomplete   biodegradation or just biotransformation. The definition of xenobiotics as compounds 'foreign to life' exhibiting 'unnatural' structural features does not necessarily imply that xenobiotics are toxic compounds, but many xenobiotics indeed are harmful to living organisms.
Whereas xenobiotics may persist in the environment for months and years, most biogenic compounds are biodegraded rapidly. Exceptions are lignin, the structural polymer of woody plants, and, above all, the melanin polymers which are constituents of the cell wall of the spores of a numberof fungi. Recalcitrance (i.e., the structure-immanent stability) of a xenobiotic molecule is mainly due to 'unphysiological' chemical bonds and/or substituents, which block the attack by microbial catabolic enzymes (see Table 1 and Figure 2). Type, number and position of bonds and substituents affect the xenobiotic character. However, it is not always easy to determine which structural moieties indeed are xenobiotic in the sense of 'foreign to life'. Some natural compounds show principally the same unusual structural features as xenobiotics, such as halogen substituents or nitro groups found in some antibiotics, or they contain stable chemical bonds like the ether and carbon-carbon bonds stabilizing lignin.
Moreover, microorganisms throughout geological time have also been exposed to a variety of chemicals produced by abiotic natural processes:
"Many of these compounds bear little relationship to the biological products from which they were originally derived. For example, soils and young sediments contain thousands of substituted polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. These molecules, formed by the thermal alteration of cellular material, have been in contact with living organisms throughout evolutionary periods of time. Consequently, one would predict the existence of microorganisms that will degrade them, and organisms that metabolize aromatic hydrocarbons ranging in size from benzene to benzo[a]pyrene have been described."
(D. T. Gibson, 1980).
•High molecular mass
•Low solubility in water
•Condensed benzene and pyridine rings, especially: polycyclic structures
•Three-fold substituted N atoms
•Quarternary C atoms
•Unphysiological bonds and substituents R-X (especially, polysubstitution):
Typical features of recalcitrant organic compounds. Type, number, and position of 'unphysiological' substituents influence recalcitrance. It should be noted that organic chemicals of anthropogenic origin are not necessarily recalcitrant. There are a number of industrial products that are degraded by microorganisms. These compounds obviously are readily recognized by microbial catabolic enzymes. Besides, research in biodegradation has demonstrated that a number of xenobiotic compounds such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and nitroaromatics which once were thought to be recalcitrantare subject to microbial attack (see the following sections).
Bioaccumulation is the sum of two processes: bioconcentration and biomagnification. Bioconcentration is the direct uptake of a substance by a living organism from the medium (e.g., water) via skin, gills, or lungs, whereas biomagnification results from dietary uptake. Many synthetic contaminants are more soluble in fat than in water. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), for example, which can be present in lake or river water, tend to either adsorb to particles or to diffuse into cells of organisms. Thus, PCBs bioconcentrate in low trophic levels, for example, in phytoplankton by a factor of around 250. Fish that actively filter large amounts of water through their gills are subject to a much higher bioconcentration. Additionally, biomagnification takes place in predatory organisms. The PCB burden of the prey is transferred to the predator. Fish like smelt that consume large quantities of mysids and zooplankton magnify the PCB concentration. This leads to bioaccumulation factors as high as 2.8 million in predatory fish species such as lake trout and striped bass. Mammals—including humans that eat the fish, reptiles, and birds—further accumulate PCBs.
Finally, in the leading predators among marine life—the seal and polar bear—PCBs and other persistent organic pollutants (POPs) reach concentrations that cause obvious impairments of the immune and reproductive system. A significant proportion of these accumulated contaminants is transferred to the offspring by the mother's milk, resulting in, for example, abnormal sexual development, behavioral dysfunctions, and cancer. Prerequisites for a substance's strong bioaccumulation are its affinity for fat and low biodegradability, or persistence in the environment. Bioaccumulating contaminants thus far identified are the first-generation organochlorine pesticides (e.g., DDT, chlordane, and toxaphene), PCBs, dioxins, brominated flame retardants, but also some organo-metal compounds, for example, methyl mercury and tributyltin (TBT). Because of their strong bioaccumulation and toxicity, some of these substances were banned in North America and Western Europe after 1970. The bioconcentration factor (BCF) often serves as a trigger for the hazard classification of chemicals. In the European Union a BCF greater than one hundred leads to a substance's classification as "dangerous to the environment." The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) uses a BCF of greater than 1,000 for environmentally harmful substances. In Canada chemicals with a BCF greater than 5,000 are recommended for "virtual elimination."
1.1 Xenobiotics descriptions
Natural compounds can also become xenobiotics if they are taken up by another organism, such as the uptake of natural human hormones by fish found downstream of sewage treatment plant outfalls, or the chemical defenses produced by some organisms as protection against predators.[1]
The term xenobiotics, however, is very often used in the context of pollutants such as dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls and their effect on the biota, because xenobiotics are understood as substances foreign to an entire biological system, i.e. artificial substances, which did not exist in nature before their synthesis by humans. The term xenobiotic is derived from the Greek words ξένος (xenos) = foreigner, stranger and βίος (bios, vios) = life, plus the Greek suffix for adjectives -τικός, -ή, -ό (tic).
Xenobiotic metabolism
The body removes xenobiotics by xenobiotic metabolism. This consists of the deactivation and the excretion of xenobiotics, and happens mostly in the liver. Excretion routes are urine, feces, breath, and sweat. Hepatic enzymes are responsible for the metabolism of xenobiotics by first activating them (oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis and/or hydration of the xenobiotic), and then conjugating the active secondary metabolite with glucuronic acid, sulphuric acid, or glutathione, followed by excretion in bile or urine. An example of a group of enzymes involved in xenobiotic metabolism is hepatic microsomal cytochrome P450. These enzymes that metabolize xenobiotics are very important for the pharmaceutical industry, because they are responsible for the breakdown of medications.
Organisms can also evolve to tolerate xenobiotics. An example is the co-evolution of the production of tetrodotoxin in the rough-skinned newt and the evolution of tetrodotoxin resistance in its predator, the common garter snake. In this predator-prey pair, an evolutionary arms race has produced high levels of toxin in the newt and correspondingly high levels of resistance in the snake. This evolutionary response is based on the snake evolving modified forms of the ion channels that the toxin acts upon, so becoming resistant to its effects.
Xenobiotics in the environment
Xenobiotic substances are becoming an increasingly large problem in Sewage Treatment systems, since they are relatively new substances and are very difficult to categorize. Antibiotics, for example, were derived from fungi originally, and so mimic naturally occurring substances. This, along with the natural monopoly nature of municipal Waste Water Treatment Plants makes it nearly impossible to remove this new pollutant load.
Some xenobiotics are resistant to degradation. For example, they may be synthetic organochlorides such as plastics and pesticides, or naturally occurring organic chemicals such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and some fractions of crude oil and coal. However, it is believed that microorganisms are capable of degrading almost all the different complex and resistant xenobiotics found on the earth.[4] Many xenobiotics produce a variety of biological effects, which is used when they are characterized using bioassay.
Inter-species organ transplantation
The term xenobiotic is also used to refer to organs transplanted from one species to another. For example, some researchers hope that hearts and other organs could be transplanted from pigs to humans. Many people die every year whose lives could have been saved if a critical organ had been available for transplant. Kidneys are currently the most commonly transplanted organ. Xenobiotic organs would need to be developed in such a way that they would not be rejected by the immune system.
1.2 Xenobiotic cell entry Route with the Body (Drug Biotransformational Systems – Origins and Aims) (Human Drug Metabolism)
Role of the liver
Drugs, toxins and all other chemicals can enter the body through a variety of routes. The major route is through the digestive system, but chemicals can by-pass the gut via the lungs and skin. Although the gut metabolizes many drugs, the liver is the main biotransforming organ and the CYPs and other metabolizing enzymes reside in the hepatocytes. These cells must perform two essential tasks at the same time. They must metabolize all substances absorbed by the gut whilst also processing all agents already present (from whatever source) in the peripheral circulation. This would not be possible through the conventional way that organs are usually supplied with blood from a single arterial route carrying oxygen and nutrients, leading to a capillary bed that becomes a venous outflow back to the heart and lungs. The circulation of the liver and the gut have evolved anatomically to solve this problem by receiving a conventional arterial supply and a venous supply from the gut simultaneously (Figure 2.3); all the blood eventually leaves the organ through the hepatic vein towards the inferior vena cava.
The hepatic arterial blood originates from the aorta and the venous arrangement is known as the hepatic portal system, which subsequently miniaturizes inside the liver into sinusoids, which are tiny capillary blood-filled spaces. This capillary network effectively routes everything absorbed from the gut direct to the hepatocytes, which are bathed at the same time in oxygenated arterial blood. Metabolic products can leave the hepatocytes through the hepatic vein or by a separate system of canalicali, which ultimately form the bile duct, which leads to the gut. So, essentially, there are two blood routes into the hepatocytes and one out, which ensures that no matter how a xenobiotic enters the body, it will be presented to the hepatocytes for biotransformation.
Drug and xenobiotic uptake: transporter systems
Although an agent might be presented to the vicinity of a hepatocyte, there is no guarantee it will enter the cell. This depends on the lipophilicity, size, charge and other physiochemi-cal properties of the agent. If an agent is too lipophilic, as described in section 2.3, it may enter a cell and become trapped in the membrane. Alternatively, if a drug is very water soluble, it would not be capable of crossing the lipid membrane bilayer of the cell. Until the last decade or so, it was often assumed that drug absorption would usually be simply through passive diffusion from high to low concentration. It is now apparent that many drugs and toxins which are charged or amphipathic diffuse rather poorly across lipid membranes and their successful cellular and systemic absorption is in a large part due to their exploitation of the complex membrane transport systems which are found not only in the gut, but also on the sinusoidal (sometimes called the basolateral) membranes of hepatocytes, which are bathed in blood from the portal circulation direct from the gut, as well as arterial blood. These membrane transporters regulate cellular entry of amino acids, sugars, steroids, lipids and hormones which are vital for homeostasis. We know this because if the hepatocyte transporters are inhibited, the bioavailability of several drugs increases because they escape hepatic clearance by the CYPs and other systems. Transporter proteins are found in all tissues and can be broadly categorized into two ‘superfamilies’; those that assist the entry of drugs, toxins and nutrients into cells (uptake, or influx transporters) and those that actively pump them out using ATP in the process, usually against concentration gradients.
Hepatic and gut uptake (influx) transporter systems
These transporters, usually known as the solute carriers (SLCs), are found in the liver, gut, brain, kidney and the placenta. These systems operate without using ATP and transport everything from small peptides to anions like bilirubin-related metabolites. The main hepatic uptake transporters are known as organic anion transporting peptides, or OATPs. These transporters originate from a gene known as SLCO1B1 which is found on chromosome 12. OATPs are sodium independent and they effectively operate a process of facilitated diffusion, known as electroneutral exchange. For every amphipathic molecule they pump in, they expel a neutralizing anion, like glutathione (GSH), bicarbonate or even a drug metabolite. The system is rather like a revolving door and many drugs enter gut epithelial cells and hepatocytes this way, particularly the more hydrophilic statins. The best documented OATPs are OATP1A2, OATP1B1 and OATP1B3. These transporters are vital to the uptake of several classes of drugs and OATP1B1 can be inhibited by gemfibrozil, rifampicin, cyclosporine and by the antiiHIV protease inhibitors such as ritonavir.
Regarding other hepatic transporters, NTCP (sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide) transports bile salts, but also can handle rosuvastatin and NTCP has also been used to selectively target liver tumours by linking cytotoxic agents to bile salts. There are several other uptake transporters which are of most relevance in tissues other than the liver, such as the kidneys and the gut. The OATs pump small anions mainly in the kidney, but OAT2 and OAT5 are hepatic. OATs can be inhibited by the cephalosporin antibiotics, which may be linked with their renal toxicity.
Aims of biotransformation
Once drugs or toxins enter the hepatocytes, they are usually vulnerable to some form of biotransformation. Although you can see some of the many functions of CYPs and other biotransformational enzymes (Figure 2.2), it is essential to be clear on what they have to achieve with a given molecule. Looking at many endogenous substances like steroids or xenobiotic agents, such as drugs, all these compounds are mainly lipophilic. Drugs often parallel endogenous molecules in their oil solubility, although many are considerably more lipophilic than these molecules. Generally, drugs, and xenobiotic compounds, have to be fairly oil soluble or they would not be absorbed from the GI tract. Once absorbed these molecules could change both the structure and function of living systems and their oil solubility makes these molecules rather ‘ elusive , , in the sense that they can enter and leave cells according to their concentration and are temporarily beyond the control of the living system. This problem is compounded by the difficulty encountered by living systems in the removal of lipophilic molecules. As previously mentioned,even after the kidney removes them from blood by filtering them, the lipophilicity of drugs, toxins and endogenous steroids means that as soon as they enter the collecting tubules, they can immediately return to the tissue of the tubules, as this is more oil-rich than the aqueous urine. So the majority of lipophilic molecules can be filtered dozens of times and only low levels are actually excreted. In addition, very high lipophilicity molecules like some insecticides and fire retardants might never leave adipose tissue at all (unless moved by dieting or breast feeding, which mobilizes fats). Potentially these molecules could stay in our bodies for years. This means that for lipophilic agents:
•    the more lipophilic they are, the more these agents are trapped in membranes, affecting fluidity and causing disruption at high levels;
•    if they are hormones, they can exert an irreversible effect on tissues that is outside normal physiological control;
•    if they are toxic, they can potentially damage endogenous structures;
•    if they are drugs, they are also free to cause any pharmacological effect for a  considerable period of time.
The aims of a biotransformational system include assembly of endogenous molecules, as well as clearance of these and related chemicals from the organism. These aims relate to control for endogenous steroid hormones (assembly and elimination), as well as protection- in the case of highly lipophilic threats, like drugs, toxins and hormone ‘mimics ’ (endocrine disruptors). Metabolizing systems have developed mechanisms to control balances between hormone synthesis and clearance so the organism can finely tune the effects of potent hormones such as sex-steroids. These systems also actually detect the presence of drugs and act to eliminate them.
Task of biotransformation
Essentially, the primary function of biotransforming enzymes such as CYPs is to ‘move’ a drug, toxin or hormone from the left-hand side of Figure 2.1 to the right-hand side. This means making very oil-soluble molecules highly water-soluble. This sounds impossible at first and anyone who has tried to wash their dishes without using washing up liquid will testify to this problem. However, if the lipophilic agents can be structurally altered, so changing their physicochemical properties, they can be made to dissolve in water. Once they are water-soluble, they can easily be cleared by the kidneys into urine and they will finally be eliminated.
Phase’s I-III of biotransformation
Most lipophilic agents that invade living systems, such as aromatic hydrocarbons, hormones, drugs and various toxins, vary in their chemical stability, but many are relatively stable in physiological environments for quite long periods of time. This is particularly true of polycyclic aromatics. This means that a considerable amount of energy must be put into any process that alters their structures. This energy expenditure will be carried out pragmatically. This means that some molecules may require several changes to attain water solubility, such as polycyclics, whilst others such as lorazepam and AZT, only one. The stages of biotransformation are often described as ’ Phases ’ I, II and III. Phase I metabolism mainly describes oxidative CYP reactions, but non-CYP oxidations such as reductions and hydrolyses are also sometimes included in the broad term ‘Phase I’. This has been highlighted as rather arbitrary and inconsistent and it is recommended that it is more accurate to refer to a particular process specifically, rather than using the loose term ‘Phase I’.
The term , Phase II , describes generally conjugative processes, where water, soluble endogenous sugars, salts or amino acids are attached to xenobiotics or endogenous chemicals. The very term ‘Phase II’ suggests that ‘Phase I’ processes must necessarily occur prior to conjugative reactions with a molecule. Although this does often happen, conjugation also occurs directly without prior ‘preparation’ by oxidative processes. The products of ‘Phase II’ tend also to be strongly associated with detoxification and high water solubility. This is not always the case either and it is important to realize that some conjugative ‘Phase II’ processes can form either toxic species, or metabolites even less water-soluble than the parent drug. The more recent term Thase III , describes the system of efflux pumps that excludes water-soluble products of metabolism from the cell to the interstitial fluid, blood and finally the kidneys. The efflux pumps can also exclude drugs as soon as they are absorbed from the gut, as well as metabolites. Although the Phase I-III terminology remains popular and thus is sometimes used in this topic, it is important to recognize the limitations of these terms in the description of many processes of biotransformation.
Biotransformation has a secondary effect, in that there is so much structural change in these molecules that pharmacological action is often removed or greatly diminished. Even if the metabolite retained some potential pharmacodynamic effects, its increased polarity compared with the parent drug means that the Phase III systems are likely to remove it relatively quickly, so diminishing any effects it might have exerted on the target tissue.
The use of therapeutic drugs is a constant battle to pharmacologically influence a system that is actively undermining the drugs’ effects by removing them as fast as possible. The processes of oxidative and conjugative metabolism, in concert with efflux pump systems, act to clear a variety of chemicals from the body into the urine or faeces, in the most rapid and efficient manner. The systems that manage these processes also sense and detect increases in certain lipophilic substances and this boosts the metabolic capability to respond to the increased load. The next topic will outline how mainly CYP-mediated oxidative systems achieve their aim of converting stable lipophilic agents to water-soluble products.

2.0 Biotransformation of xenobiotics in fish.
Biotransformation of xenobiotics in fish occurs by many of the same reactions as in mammals. These reactions have been shown to affect the bioaccumulation, persistence, residue dynamics, and toxicity of select chemicals in fish. P-450-dependent monooxygenase activity of fish can be induced by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, but phenobarbital-type agents induce poorly, if at all. Fish monooxygenase activity exhibits ideal temperature compensation and sex-related variation. Induction of monooxygenase activity by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons can result in qualitative as well as quantitative changes in the metabolic profile of a chemical. Induction can also alter toxicity. In addition, multiple P-450 isozymes have been described for several fish species. The biotransformation products of certain chemicals have been related to specific P-450 isozymes, and the formation of these products can be influenced by induction. Exposure of fish to low levels of certain environmental contaminants has resulted in induction of specific monooxygenase activities and monitoring of such activities has been suggested as a means of identifying areas of pollutant exposure in the wild.

2.1 Xenobiotic compounds.
 These compounds are not commonly produced by nature. Some microbes have been seen to be capable of breaking down of xenobiotics to some extent. But most of the xenobiotic compounds are non degradable in nature. Such compounds are known to be recalcitrant in nature.

The properties of xenobiotic compounds attributing to its recalcitrant properties are:

(i) Non recognizable as substrate by microbes to act upon and degrade it.
(ii) It does not contain permease which is needed for transport into microbial cell.
(iii) Large molecular nature makes it difficult to enter microbial cell.
(iv) They are highly stable and insolubility to water adds to this property.
v)Mostly toxic in nature.
The recalcitrant xenobiotic compounds can be divided into different groups depending on their chemical composition
Halocarbons: They consist of halogen group in their structure. Mainly used in solvents, pesticides, propellants etc. They are highly volatile and escape into nature leading to destruction of ozone layer of atmosphere. The compounds present in insecticides, pesticides etc,. leach into soil where they accumulate and result in biomagnification.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs): They consist of a halogen group and benzene ring. They are mainly used in plasticisers, insulator coolants in transformers etc. They are chemically and biologically inert adding on to its recalcitrant nature.

Synthetic polymers: These are mainly used to form plastics like polyester, polyvinyl chloride etc. They are insoluble in water and of high molecular weight explaining the recalcitrant property.

Alkylbenzyl Sulphonates: They consist of a sulphonate group which resists break down by microbes. They are mostly found in detergents.

Oil mixtures: When oil spills occur covering a huge area the break down by action of microbes becomes non effective. They become recalcitrant as they are insoluble in water and some components of certain oils are toxic in higher concentrations.

The recalcitrant property of xenobiotic compound is directly linked to its complexity so that the higher the complexity the stronger recalcitrant property.
2.3 Hazards posed by xenobiotic compounds
The hazards posed by xenobiotics are huge. These compounds are highly toxic in nature and can affect survival of lower as well as higher eukaryotes. It also poses health hazards to humans like various skin problems, reproductively and even known as a trigger for causing cancer. These compounds are persistent and remain in the environment for many years leading to bioaccumulation or biomagnification. They also find a way into the food chains and the concentrations of such compounds was found to be high even in organisms that do not come in contact with xenobiotics directly.

2.4 Mechanisms involved in biodegradation of xenobiotics
Xenobiotic compounds, owing to its recalcitrant nature, is hard to break down and degrade. The complexity of its chemical composition adds to this. For breaking down such compounds the enzymes act on certain groups present in the compound. For eg: in the halocarbons the halogen group is targeted. Enzymes like oxygenases play a major role. The bonds like ester-, amide-, or ether bonds present in the compounds are first attacked leading to breaking down of compounds. In some cases the aliphatic chains and in aromatic compounds the aromatic components may be targeted. The site and mode of attack depends on the action of enzyme, its concentration and the favourable conditions. Often it is seen that the xenobiotics do not act as a source of energy to microbes and as a result they are not degraded. The presence of a suitable substrate induces its breakdown. This substrate is known as co – metabolite and the process of degradation are known as co metabolism. In another process, the xenobiotics serve as substrates and are acted upon to release energy. This is called gratuitous metabolism.
Certain microbes on continuous exposure to xenobiotics develop the ability to degrade the same as a result of mutations. Mutations resulted in modification of gene of microbes so that the active site of enzymes is modified to show increased affinity to xenobiotics. Certain mutations also resulted in developing new enzymatic pathway for xenobiotic degradation. Use of mixed population of microbes is usually recommended as it has been seen to yield faster results as the two different microbes attack different parts through different mechanisms resulting in effective break down. It also creates a condition of co metabolism. The modification of certain genes of microbes to break down xenobiotics is also recommended and is seen to produce high level of accuracy.

3.0 Significance of Xenobiotic Metabolism for Bioaccumulation Kinetics of Organic Chemicals in Gammarus pulex
Bioaccumulation and biotransformation are key toxicokinetic processes that modify toxicity of chemicals and sensitivity of organisms. Bioaccumulation kinetics vary greatly among organisms and chemicals; thus, we investigated the influence of biotransformation kinetics on bioaccumulation in a model aquatic invertebrate using fifteen 14C-labeled organic xenobiotics from diverse chemical classes and physicochemical properties (1,2,3-trichlorobenzene, imidacloprid, 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol, ethylacrylate, malathion, chlorpyrifos, aldicarb, carbofuran, carbaryl, 2,4-dichlorophenol, 2,4,5-trichlorophenol, pentachlorophenol, 4-nitrobenzyl-chloride, 2,4-dichloroaniline, and sea-nine (4,5-dichloro-2-octyl-3-isothiazolone)). We detected and identified metabolites using HPLC with UV and radio-detection as well as high resolution mass spectrometry (LTQ-Orbitrap). Kinetics of uptake, biotransformation, and elimination of parent compounds and metabolites were modeled with a first-order one-compartment model. Bioaccumulation factors were calculated for parent compounds and metabolite enrichment factors for metabolites. Out of 19 detected metabolites, we identified seven by standards or accurate mass measurements and two via pathway analysis and analogies to other compounds. 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene, imidacloprid, and 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol were not biotransformed. Dietary uptake contributed little to overall uptake. Differentiation between parent and metabolites increased accuracy of bioaccumulation parameters compared to total 14C measurements. Biotransformation dominated toxicokinetics and strongly affected internal concentrations of parent compounds and metabolites. Many metabolites reached higher internal concentrations than their parents, characterized by large metabolite enrichment factors.
An example of poisoning in the workplace can be seen from the phrase "as mad as a hatter". The process for stiffening the felt used in making hats involved mercury, which forms organic species such as methylmercury, which is lipid soluble, and tends to accumulate in the brain resulting in mercury poisoning. Other lipid (fat) soluble poisons include tetraethyllead compounds (the lead in leaded petrol), and DDT. These compounds are stored in the body's fat, and when the fatty tissues are used for energy, the compounds are released and cause acute poisoning.
Strontium-90, part of the fallout from atomic bombs, is chemically similar enough to calcium that it is utilized in osteogenesis, where its radiation can cause damage for a long time.
Naturally produced toxins can also bioaccumulate. The marine algal blooms known as "red tides" can result in local filter feeding organisms such as mussels and oysters becoming toxic; coral fish can be responsible for the poisoning known as ciguatera when they accumulate a toxin called ciguatoxin from reef algae.
Some animal species exhibit bioaccumulation as a mode of defense; by consuming toxic plants or animal prey, a species may accumulate the toxin which then presents a deterrent to a potential predator. One example is the tobacco hornworm, which concentrates nicotine to a toxic level in its body as it consumes tobacco plants. Poisoning of small consumers can be passed along the food chain to affect the consumers later on. Other compounds that are not normally considered toxic can be accumulated to toxic levels in organisms. The classic example is of Vitamin A, which becomes concentrated in carnivore livers of e.g. polar bears: as a pure carnivore that feeds on other carnivores (seals), they accumulate extremely large amounts of Vitamin A in their livers. It was known by the native peoples of the Arctic that the livers of carnivores should not be eaten, but Arctic explorers have suffered Hypervitaminosis A from eating the bear livers (and there has been at least one example of similar poisoning of Antarctic explorers eating husky dog livers). One notable example of this is the expedition of Sir Douglas Mawson, where his exploration companion died from eating the liver of one of their dogs.
Coastal fish (such as the smooth toadfish) and seabirds (such as the Atlantic Puffin) are often monitored for heavy metal bioaccumulation.
In some eutrophic aquatic systems, biodilution can occur. This trend is a decrease in a contaminant with an increase in trophic level and is due to higher concentrations of algae and bacteria to "dilute" the concentration of the pollutant.
3.2 Biomagnifications (or bioaccumulation) refers to the ability of living organisms to accumulate certain chemicals to a concentration larger than that occurring in their inorganic, non-living environment, or in the case of animals, in the food that they eat. Organisms accumulate any chemical needed for their nutrition. The major focus of biomagnification, however, is the accumulation of certain non-essential chemicals, especially certain chlorinated hydrocarbons that are persistent in the environment. These compounds are insoluble in water, but highly soluble in fats. Because almost all fats within ecosystems occur in the living bodies of organisms, chlorinated hydrocarbons such as 4,4’-(2, 2, 2-trichloroethane-1, 1-diyl)-bis(chlorobenzene) (DDT) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) tend to selectively accumulate in organisms. This can lead to ecotoxicological problems, especially for top predators at the summit of ecological food webs, who ingest the toxic prey.
3.3Biomagnification and food-web accumulation
Organisms are exposed to a myriad of chemicals in their environment. Some of these chemicals occur in trace concentrations in the environment, and yet they may be selectively accumulated by organisms to much larger concentrations that can cause toxicity. This tendency represents biomagnification.
Some of the biomagnified chemicals are elements such as selenium, mercury, nickel, or organic derivatives such as methylmercury. Others are in the class of chemicals known as chlorinated hydrocarbons (or organo-chlorines). These are extremely insoluble in water, but are freely soluble in organic solvents, including animal fats and plant oils (these are collectively known as lipids). Many of the chlorinated hydrocarbons are also very persistent in the environment, because they are not easily broken down to simpler chemicals through the metabolism of microorganisms, or by ultraviolet radiation or other inorganic processes. Common examples of bioaccumulating chlorinated hydrocarbons are the insecticides DDT and dieldrin, and a class of industrial chemicals abbreviated as PCBs.
Food-web accumulation is a special case of biomagnification, in which certain chemicals occur in their largest ecological concentration in predators at the top of the food web. An ecological food web is a complex of species that are linked through their trophic interactions, that is, their feeding relationships. In terms of energy flow, food webs are supported by inputs of solar energy, which is fixed by green plants through photosynthesis. Some of this fixed energy is used by the plants in their own respiration, and the rest, as plant biomass, is available to be passed along to animals, which are incapable of metabolizing any other type of energy. Within the food web, animals that eat plants are known as herbivores. These are eaten by carnivores, which in turn may be eaten by other carnivores. Top predators (examples include wolves, bears, and seals) occur at the summit of the food web. In general, food webs have a pyramidal structure, with plant productivity being much greater than that of herbivores, and these being more productive than their predators. Top predators are usually quite uncommon. Within food webs, biomagnifying chemicals such as DDT, dieldrin, and PCBs have their largest concentrations, and cause the greatest damage, in top predators.
3.4 Biomagnification of inorganic chemicals
All of the naturally occurring elements occur in the environment. Some occur at very low concentration, while others are more abundant. This contamination is always detectable, as long as the analytical chemistry method of detection is sensitive enough to detect even trace amounts of the target chemical. About 25 of the elements are required by plants and/or animals, including the micronutrients copper, iron, molybdenum, zinc, and rarely, aluminum, nickel, and selenium. However, under certain ecological conditions these micronutrients can biomagnify to very large concentrations, and even cause toxicity to organisms.
One example is serpentine soil and the vegetation that grows in it. Serpentine minerals contain relatively large concentrations of nickel, cobalt, chromium, and iron. Soils derived from this mineral can be toxic to plants. However, some plants grown on serpentine soils are physiologically tolerant of these metals, and can bioaccumulate them to very large concentrations. For example, the normal concentration of nickel in plants is about 1-5 ppm (parts per million, a concentration equivalent to mg/kg). However, on sites with serpentine soils much larger concentrations of nickel occur in plant foliage and other tissues. Nickel concentrations as large as 16% occur in tissues of a plant in the mustard family, Streptanthus polygaloides, in California, and 11-25% nickel occurs in the blue-colored latex of Sebertia acuminata on the island of New Caledonia in the Pacific Ocean. It is common for plants growing on serpentine soils to have nickel concentrations of thousands of parts per million, which is usually considerably larger than the concentration in soil.
Another case of biomagnification occurs on some sites in semiarid regions in which the soil is contaminated by selenium, which may then be hyperaccumulated (i.e., extremely accumulated) by specialized species of plants. These plants are poisonous to grazing livestock and other large animals, causing a toxic reaction called “blind staggers.” The most important selenium-accumulating plants in North America are milk vetches in the genus Astragalus, in the legume family. There are 500 species of Astragalus in North America, of which 25 are accumulators of selenium. The foliage of these plants can contain thousands of parts per million (ppm; equivalent to 1 milligram per liter) of selenium, to a maximum of about 15,000 ppm, much larger than the concentration in soil. Sometimes, accumulator and non-accumulator Astragalus species grow together, as in the case of a place in Nebraska with 5 ppm selenium in soil, and 5,560 ppm in Astragalus bisulcatus, but only 25 ppm in A. missouriensis.
Mercury can also be biomagnified from trace concentrations in the environment. In this case, trace concentrations of mercury in water can result in large contaminations of fish and other predators. For example, fish species known to bioaccumulate mercury in offshore waters of North America include Atlantic swordfish, Pacific blue marlin, tunas, and halibut, among others. These fish can accumulate mercury from trace concentrations in seawater (less than 0.1 ppm) to concentrations in flesh that commonly exceed 0.5 ppm of the fresh weight of the fish, the maximum acceptable concentration in fish for human consumption. The contamination of oceanic fish by mercury is probably natural, and is not only a modern phenomenon. Studies have found no difference in mercury contaminations of modern tuna and museum specimens collected before 1909, or concentrations in feathers of pre-1930 and post-1980 seabirds collected from islands in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. In this phenomenon of mercury biomagnification, there is a tendency for larger, older fish to have relatively large concentrations. In a study of Atlantic swordfish, for example, the average mercury concentration of animals smaller than 51 lb (23 kg) was 0.55 ppm, compared with 0.86 ppm for those 51-99 lb (23-45 kg) in weight, and 1.1 ppm for those heavier than 45 kg. Large concentrations of mercury also occur in fish-eating marine mammals and birds that are predators at or near the top of the marine food web.
3.5 Biomagnificaiton of chlorinated hydrocarbons
Chlorinated hydrocarbons such as some insecticides (examples include DDT, dieldrin, and methoxychlor), PCBs, and dioxin have a low solubility in water. In other words, they tend not to dissolve in water to forma solution. As a result, these chemicals cannot be diluted into the larger volume of water. However, chlorinated hydrocarbons are highly soluble in lipids. Because most lipids within ecosystems occur in biological tissues, the chlorinated hydrocarbons have a strong affinity for living organisms, and they tend to biomagnify by many orders of magnitude from vanishingly small aqueous concentrations. Furthermore, because chlorinated hydrocarbons are persistent in the environment, they accumulate progressively as organisms grow older, and they accumulate into especially large concentrations in top predators, as described previously. In some cases, older individuals of top-predator animals such as raptorial birds and fish-eating marine mammals have been found to have thousands of ppm of DDT and PCBs in their fatty tissues. The toxicity caused by these animals accumulated exposures to DDT, PCBs, and other chlorinated hydrocarbons is a well-recognized environmental problem.
The biomagnification and food-web accumulation characteristics of DDT are especially well known. Typically, DDT has extremely small concentrations in air and water, and, to a lesser degree in soil. However, concentrations are much larger in organisms, especially in animals at or near the top of their food web, such as humans and predatory birds. The food-web biomagnification of DDT can be illustrated by the case of Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. Although banned in most industrialized countries since the early 1970s, DDT is still used in many tropical countries for agriculture purposes and to control insect vectors of human diseases. The use of DDT in agriculture was banned in Zimbabwe in 1982, but DDT continues to be used to control mosquitoes and tsetse flies, insects that spread malaria and diseases of livestock. The concentration of DDT in the water of Lake Kariba was less than 0.002 ppb, but concentrations in sediment were 0.4 ppm (because sediment contains a relatively large concentration of organic matter, it contains much more DDT than the overlying water). Planktonic algae contained 2.5 ppm. A filter-feeding mussel had 10 ppm (values for animal tissues are for DDT in fat), while two species of plant-eating fish contained 2 ppm, and a bottom-feeding fish contained 6 ppm. A predatory fish and a fish-eating bird, the great cormorant, contained 5-10 ppm. The Nile crocodile is the top predator in Lake Kariba (other than humans), and it had 34 ppm. Therefore, the data for Lake Kariba illustrates a substantial biomagnification of DDT from water, and to a lesser degree from sediment, as well as a marked food-web accumulation from herbivores to top carnivores.
The widespread occurrence of food-web biomagnification of DDT and other chlorinated hydrocarbons caused chronic, ecotoxicological damage to birds and mammals of many species, even in habitats remote from sprayed sites. In some species, effects on predatory birds were severe enough to cause large declines in abundance beginning in the early 1950s, and resulting in local or regional losses of populations. Prominent examples of North American birds that suffered population decreases because of exposure to chlorinated hydrocarbons include bald eagle, golden eagle, peregrine falcon, osprey, brown pelican, and double-crested cormorant, among others. However, since the banning of the use of DDT in North America in the early 1970s, these birds have increased in abundance. In the case of the peregrine falcon, this increase was enhanced by a captive-breeding and
Biomagnification— Tendency of organisms to accumulate certain chemicals to a concentration larger than that occurring in their inorganic, nonliving environment, such as soil or water, or in the case of animals, larger than in their food.
Ecotoxicology— The study of the effects of toxic chemicals on organisms and ecosystems. Ecotoxicology considers both direct effects of toxic substances and also the indirect effects caused, for example, by changes in habitat structure or the abundance of food.
Food-web accumulation— Tendency of certain chemicals to occur in their largest concentration in predators at the top of the ecological food web. As such, chemicals such as DDT, PCBs, and mercury in the aquatic environment have their largest concentrations in predators, in comparison with the non-living environment, or with plants and herbivores.
Hyperaccumulation— A syndrome in which a chemical is bioaccumulated to an extraordinary degree.
release program over much of its former range in eastern North America.
In some African countries where malaria is a problem, the use of DDT to control mosquitoes (which can transfer the malaria-causing microorganism from person-to-person as they obtain their blood meal) has been advocated. If implimented, DDT spraying programs would have to be controlled, so as not to contaminate ground- and surface-water supplies.

Xenobiotic compounds are chemicals which are foreign to the biosphere. Depending on their fate in air, water, soil, or sediment, xenobiotic pollutants may become available to microorganisms in different environmental compartments. Actually, the dominant means of transformation and degradation of xenobiotic compounds on Earth resides in microorganisms. In natural habitats, the physicochemical properties of the environment may affect and even control biodegradation performance. Sorption to soil and sediment as well as micropore entrapment are major causes for the persistence of many xenobiotics. 'Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, halogenated aliphatic as well as aromatic hydrocarbons, nitroaromatic compounds, azo compounds, s-triazines, organic sulfonic acids, and synthetic polymers are important classes of pollutants with xenobiotic structural features. This article is focused on the mechanisms and pathways of microbial degradation of these compounds. Fungi, and aerobic as well as anaerobic bacteria are involved in the degradation of xenobiotics. Sometimes these microbial transformation processes are fortuitous, a phenomenon that is not uncommon in microbiology. On the other hand, microorganisms may use xenobiotic compounds as a source of energy, carbon, nitrogen, or sulfur. Degradation of many xenobiotic chemicals requires microbial communities. Some xenobiotics, however, appear to resist microbial attack.
I recommend that the collective knowledge in the field of microbial degradation may enable scientists to establish rules to predict the biodegradability and the biodegradation pathways of xenobiotic compounds.

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